Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ugg... I feel like crap.  The ship is swaying side to side and fore to aft and I do not feel very good today.  the usual gentle rocking like a cradle of my ship had turned rather violent by the time I crawled out of bed this morning and I just sat there for an hour or so while I waited for my seasickness pills to work.  I was late to work but nothing is really happening today so I didn't get in trouble (the boss was busy elsewhere and didin't come in this morning)  I'm glad my workspace is near the center of the ship.  my bed is really close to the front of the ship so the rolling is really pronounced there but not as rough here, thank you, God.  I'm fine while lying down, but standing up and trying to walk is plain evil.  However, my pills are starting to work and my stomache has something in it so I'm not staying as close to the bathroom now, just rather uncomfortable.  Oh well, such is the life at sea.  I'm sureI'll be fine when we pass this area.  I'll be fine by tomorrow at least.
Well, this is Li'l B wishing yopu all a lovely day/night/week and signing off.

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