7 October, 2009
I was thinking earlier today that it feels like the world is shutting down around me and it kind of is. A typhoon is set to hit land around here tomorrow and everything will be closed. There will be no work tomorrow, no stores, no restaurants, no offices. Everything will be closed and if anyone is caught outside in my neighborhood, they will be given a ticket. (Which means I guess the cops will be out. Hmm…) Anyways, they told us to stock up on food as even the cafeteria will be closed, at least for Friday. Everyone’s acting like this is serious but of no real concern, it happens all the time and never does any damage, they’re just happy to have a day off from work. No one is even thinking there will be a power outage, although they warned us to get food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated or microwaved. Easy enough. I’m fully stocked and ready with my laptop, Kindle, Nintendo DS, lots of paper, and plenty of beads. I’ll be just fine if the power goes out. If all else fails, I can curl up in my sweats and sleep, or daydream. (I tend to do that a lot, daydream. J )
Well, that was all I really wanted to say. More later, I have a date with destiny. Okay, so it’s really just another window on my laptop with my story on it, but that sounded more interesting. JOne last thought before I go: typhoon party, potluck style. Hey if we’re stuck inside for an unknown amount of time, might as well have fun. Everyone bring some food and snack, a pillow and blanket, a movie, and a fully charged laptop and all fit into the largest room (soon I’ll be in four people rooms so it’ll work nicely) and it’s a slumber party til the lights come on and they put us to work. Just think of it. About ten girls over twenty years old in a room with a variety of snacks and movies with nowhere to go and no boys allowed. Partay. :D
8 October 2009
Well, that was anticlamactic. I woke up to bright sky and wind. yay. wind is the only thing that has happened all day. Turns out my "typhoon" was really a tropical storm. not even any rain all day and the wind didn't even look dangerous. yet the town shut down till 4 pm. oh well, no work today and no real clean up tomarrow. not too bad. boring but, hey, it was a day off from work for no reason and I'm stucked up on food. Not gonna complain. Well, talk to you later.
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